Back in the day reading graphic novels like the Über series would have been a niche interest at best. Now with the rise of Marvel and DC universe films they are part of mainstream culture.
But not all comics are about accessible hero stories with easy cinematic adaption. My preferred writers like Gillen use the superheroes to ground the stories more in a gritty reality.
Garth Ennis from Preacher to The Boys has looked to subvert and examine comic franchise conventions. Gillen tried to get us to examine our own conventions and pre-conceptions about war.
I see clear parallels between their work and the ‘political’ spaghetti westerns of Franco Solinas in particular.
Gillen’s Über uses superheroes to explain the kind of damage cased by massed Russian artillery in the march to Berlin and atom bomb blasts a la Hiroshima. Superheroes make the horrors of war more relatable.
It is also interesting how what would seem to be a ‘diesel punk’ series hinges on transformations that are outside the the power of medicine even now. Finally, there is a clear parallel and differentiation between Captain America and Über.
In summary, if you want a good thoughtful read and aren’t squeamish; start reading Über.
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