T Factory + more stuff

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Korea’s Largest Telecom has Partnered with Apple, Microsoft & Samsung in new kind of High-End Retail store called T Factory – Patently Apple – interesting tech department story T Factory by SK Telecom. T Factory seems to be much more ambitious than Hong Kong’s 1010 mobile carrier shops

Ex-Morgan Stanley bankers make a splash in Hong Kong as new boutique firm adds Ant Group, Xpeng to list of clients | South China Morning Postlaunched last year by two former senior Morgan Stanley bankers, Crawford Jamieson and Daniel Wetstein, and has since added top-notch companies including Alibaba Group Holding, Ant Group, and Xpeng among its clients. The firm offers corporate finance advice to companies and financial sponsors in the technology, health care and financial services sectors, backed by experience in completing US$500 billion worth of deals between them since late 1990s.

Who will win the battle to replace Huawei in Europe? — Quartz
https://qz.c“Open-RAN is something in the future,” says Strand. “It is not an alternative to the equipment Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, and ZTE are delivering today.”

Comparison Shopping in the Age of Information Overload | INSEAD Knowledge – interesting research that is important for online shopping

An XR partnership between Orange and Deutsche Telekom – Hello Future Orange – a bit happy clappy but shows some interesting ambition around the web of no web

Google is bringing its own VPN to desktops and phones with $9.99 Google One subscription – The Verge – hmmm poacher turned gamekeeper?

PlayStation CEO says VR won’t be a ‘meaningful’ part of gaming for years – The VergeSony PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan says virtual reality won’t be a meaningful part of interactive entertainment in the near future. Ryan indicated to The Washington Post that VR still has a long way to go, although he emphasized that Sony isn’t giving up on the medium. The statement suggests that an update to Sony’s PlayStation VR headset is years away.  “I think we’re more than a few minutes from the future of VR,” Ryan told the Post. “PlayStation believes in VR. Sony believes in VR, and we definitely believe at some point in the future, VR will represent a meaningful component of interactive entertainment. Will it be this year? No. Will it be next year? No. But will it come at some stage? We believe that.” – Interesting take. On one hand the hardware in Sony’s VR sets for the PlayStation doesn’t need to change due to displays, on the other hand the pause in take up seems to be software related. Does gaming have the kind of storytelling issues that VR cinema has?

Facebook Is Up To 10 Million Active Advertisers, But Zuck Says He Fears For The Future Of Personalized Advertising | AdExchangerheadwinds coming in the form of an evolving regulatory landscape, continued uncertainty to do with transatlantic data transfers and coming platform changes, particularly on Apple’s iOS.