Media agency interviews & things that made last week

Media agency interview with Simon Peel of Adidas

There is a certain irony in a media agency that promoted just the kind of short-termist platforms for advertising, interviewing Simon Peel. Still we have the echoes of a disruption narrative ripping through advertising spend and and brand equity like a hot knife through butter. More on simon here.

Subprime car loans

The FT on the subprime car loan problem from an economic perspective that’s frightening in its scale. This is one of the biggest threats to the move to electrification in cars. Admittedly this threat compounds problems such as:

  • Energy density which leads to the range anxiety of the cars
  • The escalating price of lithium
  • The finite supply of lithium
  • The difficulty in recycling lithium ion batteries
  • Electric power grid infrastructure
  • Charger maintenance

Ko Hyojoo

Asian Boss have done this great film with Korean long board rider Ko Hyojoo

US personal hygiene Irish Spring doing some interesting (and cheap) activations in sports. Irish Spring Celebrates College Football Rivalries 11/27/2019 | Media Post


A couple of years old now, but this a great short film highlighting the cultural impact on music of Vangelis’ soundtrack to Blade Runner.

Vangelis was a famous electronic artist before he worked on Blade Runner. He had made a number of solo albums as soundtracks for animal documentaries and the Chariots of Fire soundtrack. He was also working as part of Jon and Vangelis on successful albums throughout the 1980s. But his work on Blade Runner seems to have been the film that crystallised his place in electronic music culture. Blade Runner wasn’t a runaway success at the box office, but instead took over time on video rental as word of mouth went around. Eventually it was released in a number of different edits that helped boost its popularity. By the time DVD as a format came around, it was one of the first obvious choices for the format.