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Holographic-like video conferencing: a killer app for AR? | eeNews Europe – really??? I know the IBM had attempted video conferencing in Second Life, back when that was the metaverse du jour. It still wouldn’t solve a lot of the issues with virtual conferencing a la Zoom or Skype for Business. And then there would be a battery of security issues that continue to plague video conferencing. Finally there is the issue of computer mediated communication exhaustion. There is already issues with normal video conferencing software usage, let alone something like augmented reality.
Apple’s new iPads cling to old Apple Pencil | The Verge – this looks like a potential mess. Why do the styli need to have technology in them? How long is a styli supposed to last for? Are new styli backwards compatiable with older styli? Its like the move from the 50 pin iPod connector move to lightning connectors on steroids.
WSJ City – Feds scrutinise development and FAA approval process – interesting how they have gone in this direction focusing on the FAA approval process. I am surprised at the organisation capture that Boeing managed to make happen. It might be a mix of corruption and and incompetence. Dinging the FAA approval process could damage future US aircraft sales and trust in US certifications in general. It would be a boon for Chinese aspirations in the global aircraft market outside the US and EU
Weber Shandwick’s UK Consumer Lead Quits – it’s interesting that she’s going without a plan. Weber Shandwick don’t seem to be too worried about contacts walking out the door.
Nike and Boeing Are Paying Sci-Fi Writers to Predict Their Futures | OneZero – pretty standard. BT were doing this back in the 1970s at their research facility in Ipswich. People like MIT Media Lab have done similar things as well