If You Want To Keep Using Your Kindle, You Might Need To Update It Immediately | Gizmodo – will this break the reflashed Kindles that were popular in China? It also shows the impermanence of cloud content and the constant battle that companies face like Amazon with reflashed Kindles being put on to rival e-book stores in China. More on Amazon here.
Downloading MP3s From Spotify is Easy But Feels Dated | TorrentFreak – which brings us to the digital equivalent of recording from the radio and not buying a recording. Expect the record labels to go apeshit
Xiaomi founder says time for world to copy Chinese innovation, Technology/Digital News – AsiaOne Digital – Compared with their US peers which are chiefly driven by tech advances, Chinese Internet enterprises place tons of emphasis on user experience, marketing and rapid solutions, which are helping us gain unique edges
What Obama doesn’t get about encryption | The Kernel – not exclusively an Obama problem either
Video ads: What works and doesn’t work with younger users | VentureBeat – the author seems surprised that young people would be skeptical towards branded content. It was the same with generation X. Why would it be any different now?
More Devs Now Use OS X Than Linux, Says Survey – Slashdot – and less than half use Windows
Half of China’s Ad Spending Will Go Toward the Internet This Year, GroupM Says | Ad Age – (paywall) but measurement still an issue. Partly because highly regulated TV is so boring to watch
Yahoo, Facebook in Ad Partnership Talks Over Tumblr — The Information – (paywall) that’s a shockingly low figure, but then I guess Yahoo! sales team won’t be selling to brands that care about millennials
Ariadne Capital takes legal action against PR firm over Wikipedia edits – Business Insider – breaks the terms of service