The Today Club

I have advised the founders of the Today Club in Shenzhen since January. Shenzhen has changed a lot. It is no longer just a place of industry, but also has a large financial industry. It’s stock market acts as tech oriented exchange for China.

In addition, Shenzhen has built up a creative scene of sorts. Products are no longer made, but also designed there. This it in turn has brought in architects and artists.

The Today Club is designed to be a private members club that brings people of disparate disciplines together. Financiers and business people can rub shoulders with artists and designers.

The club also showcases a mix of Chinese artist works and Chinese product design. When I was there, it was showcasing high-end vacuum tube powered hi-fi amplifiers and speakers.

The Today Club is based in the former industrial area of OCT or Overseas Chinese Town. It was here the the first Taiwanese and Hong Kong companies built factories in Shenzhen. The area that the Today Club is in has been rebranded as OCT Loft Creative Culture Park. The site was originally a television factory. The former industrial buildings have now been converted into creative office spaces, studios and retail units by local architecture firm Urbanus.

Here is a video explaining what they do far more eloquently than I can

More details on their website. More Shenzhen related content here.