Court Orders John Galliano to Pay Dior 1 Euro — The Cut – how could he have won that case? John Galliano pushed too far even for luxury fashion. The houses are professionalising due to their public conglomerate status. John Galliano and his conduct was a dinosaur in the modern luxury business.
Bronte Capital: Nu Skin results | Bronte Capital – Nu-Skin attracted attention due to their MLM model and have had a hard time of it
Crowd Analyzer::Contact | We’d Love To Chat With You About How We Can Work Together – interesting Arabic language specific social media listening / monitoring tool
As mobile usage grows, China’s traffic jams aren’t just a problem for car owners anymore | Techinasia – mobile networks not coping
New EU Digital Chief Floats Tough Anti-Google Regulations – WSJ – Google is going to love him. This still doesn’t address the wider challenges that the EU has had in developing digital champions that grow the same way as Silicon Valley. They either get bought like Skype or ARM, or can’t scale to compete head on with US or Chinese competitors
With Magazine, CNET Tech Site Makes Jump From Screen to Page – – interesting move into print, especially for a technology sector focused media house that pioneered the online publishing business model
Chloé creates ecommerce link with handbag feature | Luxury Daily – interesting use of personas, the creative manifests them directly to the consumer. It is unusual compared to luxury marketing campaigns that I’ve seen previously
Nokia deal created anti-trust issues for Microsoft and Samsung | Channel EYE – this could get really interesting and the only people likely to benefit are the Chinese vendors
Xiaomi dominates China’s smartphone market | RTHK – where is Huawei and Lenovo? I am also surprised that BBK’s brands Vivo etc are not making more of an impact, particularly against Xiaomi’s mid-market handset.