Lord Puttnam + more news

How much TV money goes to footballers? Lord Puttnam attacks hike in sports rights costs | Radio Times – what a depressing thought. More on media related topics here but not necessarily more Lord Puttnam.

‘Conflicted’ media auditors come under fire from Sorrell | Campaign – wider issue of trust between media buying and clients (reg wall)

The next front in the patent wars? Chinese telecom giant Huawei sues T-Mobile for patent infringment – how to make friends and influence people

This photo from a Huawei camera phone ad was actually shot with a $4,500 Canon camera | Shanghaist – Huawei gets called out, Nokia had been caught doing this in the past as well.

Twitter estimates that it has 10 million users in China | TechCrunch – how many of these are ’50 cent’ propagandist accounts?

Vice Media buys Dasha Zhukova’s Garage art magazine – FT.com – paywall

Applying ML to InfoSec — Startup.ML Conf – ML (machine learning)

New Cars Are Too Expensive For The Typical Family, Says Study | Slashdot – more data on the decline of the US middle class

Top Korean carrier launches cut-rate internet of things network | HKEJ Insight – interesting move by SK Telecom

Martha Lane Fox: Brexit is all about MEEEEeeee! • The Register – It’s almost as if the Establishment is so loath to address the real issues raised by people on “those horrible council estates” it’s created a virtualisation container for the working class instead

Ask.fm changes hands once again – BBC News – too hot to handle? Reminds me of the debacle about trying to take FriendFinder public a decade ago

Snapchat’s Teen Fans Wince as App Catches On With Their Folks – WSJ – the Snapchat is fucked moment, parents are venturing on there, partly to stalk their kids, partly for Sky Sports coverage

All news stories must be verified, China’s internet censor decrees as it tightens grip on online media | South China Morning Post – yes I know its China, but on one level does this sound very sensible in what is likely to be a vacuum of journalistic ethics