More of America’s new cars will come from Mexico than Japan this year – Quartz – globalisation at work, will the Chinese car brands enter the US with kit assembly plants in Mexico or will they export directly from China?
ECB ‘alarm bells ring’ at inflation fall | Irish Examiner – oops there goes the neighbourhood, Europe as the new Japan, just nowhere near as cool?
Super Bowl Spending Driven by Automotive Ads – Wall Street Journal – US advertising spend on the iconic Super Bowl slots over time visualised by The Wall Street Journal
The F.A.T Manual | F.A.T. – open source art projects that can be taken apart remixed and used elsewhere
House of Cards: Assessing the Impact of Software Infringement on Manufacturing Competitiveness | DisCo – some interesting statistics, I just don’t trust some of the sources notably the Business Software Alliance. Most of these figures are based on the fact that every pirated copy would be a substitute to a legitimate one; which is a logical fallacy, a software pipedream. The survey methodology the BSA uses is flawed with too small a sample size
Sony in talks with Lenovo: report – Sony‘s Vaio range to follow Motorola and the ThinPad?
absorptions: Mystery signal from a helicopter by .@windyoona – fascinating bit of geeky sleuthing
Q4 2013 Smartphone OS Results: Is Google Losing Control of the Android Ecosystem? – yes it probably is, partly due to negligence in the way it (doesn’t) work with tier two Chinese manufacturers
Fairer contracts urged after mobile phone complaints soar | The Observer – goes to show how poor EE’s much vaunted network actually is, speaks louder than a network map. There is
3 Google Moves Signal End of Smartphone Era | EE Times – move towards more objects that have fixed or wireless connectivity and comparable computation inside