What The Boardroom Thinks About Data Breach Liability | Dark Reading – cybersecurity risk vs cost of insurance premiums is the sums that the boardroom will be making. Expect the insurers to force innovation and better practices on large corporates rather then doing it off their own bat, a case in point being Sony Entertainment breach and TalkTalk. There was surprisingly little impact on the boardroom given the seriousness of the cases
Tablet users indifferent to upgrades | TechEye – because they work well on their current consumption media use cases
Huawei who? We probe the sleeping storage dragon’s brains • The Register – nice summary of where Huawei is from in terms of history and culture
Vulnerable Coffee Machine Demonstrates Brewing Security Challenges Of IoT | Dark Reading – not terribly surprising that the internet of things has such poor security. There is no incentives for vendors to harden the tech at all. The problem is that in categories like TVs, you no longer an purchase a ‘dumb’ option. More on IoT here
Microsoft says that collecting user data is ‘not an issue of personal privacy’ (MSFT) | Business Insider – oh really???
Facebook Prods Users to Share a Bit More – WSJ – interesting data point
Neuropolitics, Where Campaigns Try to Read Your Mind – to save articles or get newsletters, alerts or recommendations
Young shopper: south korean’s young shopper – What they expect from retailers | GfK – great insights on Korean consumers
Microsoft Surface Book teardown reveals almost impossible-to-repair design | ExtremeTech – 1/10, just waiting for Greenpeace to realise that there is campaign mileage in low teardown scores
Samsung Sells More Phones — but for Less Money – WSJ – the brutal commoditised business of Android handsets (paywall)
Internet firms to be banned from offering unbreakable encryption under new laws – Telegraph – you have no right to privacy but really bad people do
‘Candy Crush’ owner King sold to Activision Blizzard for $5.9bn – FT.com – (Paywall)