Cinema building obligations

Hong Kong Looking at Cinema Building Obligations | Variety – When the British colonial government was building new towns in Kowloon and the New Territories it operated policies that specified the minimum number of cinema screens that should be built per head of population. The Hong Kong government are looking to revisit cinema building obligations because retail rental prices for cinemas in Hong Kong have become cripplingly expensive

Tangible Media Group | Biologic project – really interesting project, the question is how to keep the functionality if the garment is washed

Ryanair and easyJet eye work with rivals – – working as feeder airlines for long haul flights. The big issue would be fares once baggage charges had been incorporated; the discount will be negligible compared to legacy airlines like BA or Swiss(paywall)

PGP-encrypted Blackberrys aren’t immune to being cracked | TheNextWeb – not really terribly surprising. It is remarkable that PGP has been so robust for so long

Snapchat’s Daily Mobile Video Views Said to Rival Facebook’s – Bloomberg Business – so 7 Billion clips delivered for up to 100 million users per day. That’s a lot of video, but a clip delivery doesn’t necessarily mean a view by a human

Qualcomm Asks U.S. Court for Documents in Korean Probe – WSJ – Qualcomm must be crapping themselves

Japan’s Newest Adults Pessimistic About Nation’s Future – The Macromill study found that Line continues to be the most popular social network service among 20-year-olds, with about 90% of them using it. Twitter followed a distant second with a little more than 70% of them saying they use it. The study found the overall percentage of people using social media was dropping, with Facebook and Mixi seeing sharp declines. – more Japan related content here.

Official Blog | Exciting announcement: Grindr takes investment from Beijing Kunlun – the irony is that Grindr has a better chance of tapping the Chinese market than Facebook does