Sega MegaDrive Akira game + more

A gorgeous unreleased adaption of Akira for the Sega MegaDrive. I presume that these visuals are designed to move the game play from level to level.

At the time the Sega MegaDrive was innovative. Both in terms of the Sega MegaDrive technology and the marketing that went to support the games console. Sega brought a huge heritage in arcade gaming to the Sega MegaDrive. The neon noir vibes of Akira was a perfect pairing for the console

As technology has improved computer graphics has become more prosaic. You no longer see the kind of surreal computer graphics visuals that you enjoyed from the late 1970s to late 1990s. VintageCG has archived a lot of early CG demos on YouTube.

The Witcher was the must watch show on Netflix at the end of last year. It was inevitable that the memeable power ballad Throw A Coin To The Witcher gets the inevitable remixes. Amongst the best is this remix by Whitestone.

Donald Knuth features in Robert X Cringely’s history of computing from post-World War II to the rise of the personal computer. While Knuth never made a fortune, his ideas facilitated a lot of modern computing. Here’s a great interview with Knuth that will make you appreciate the computing power in the power of your hand today.

Its hard to to appreciate today the great leaps forward that have been made in semi-conductors. Programmes were once written in 4KB of memory, an app icon might now be 130KB of memory.

Strange Parts did an amazing video on how lithium polymer ion batteries are made during a recent trip to Shenzhen, China. What immediately becomes apparent for me is the challenge of doing this process in reverse to recycle these batteries once they have reached their end of life.

Strange Parts at the Pisen Group battery factory