Digital News Report by Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism latest findings discussed by Dr. Rasmus Kleiss Nielsen. This Digital News Report is based on a survey of more than 70,000 people across 36 countries.
The US gender wage gap is closing because women are making more and men are making less — Quartz – I wonder how this then fits into a feminist, social and larger economic agendas? Will there be a tension between all these? Is there a floor where aggregate male earnings will hit?
P&G’s Pritchard Calls for Next Generation of Digital Ads | Special: Dmexco – AdAge – I kind of agree with him from a an overall sentiment point of view, but viewability is also a function of how much of the viewable area it fills? I realise that it would be hard to measure but it would be a function of ad size, scrolling speed and display size. In the real world think about the ads on the tube escalators.
China May Own More Artificial Intelligence Patents Than US By Year-End – China Money Network – interesting speculation. I could understand it given that IBM is one of the largest filers of patents in the US and its machine learning efforts are overhyped
How Nike Sneakers Made a Billionaire of Park Yen-cha | BoF – interesting profile
WeWork accuses Chinese competitor UrWork of stealing its name and style: Shanghaiist – wait I thought WeWork’s style was stolen from the hipster catalogue?
comScore Opens Global Access to Free Viewability Measurement – comScore, Inc – only for global advertisers, publishers, agencies and ad networks?
P&G Asia brand director: ‘We were clickbaiters – and a giant duck still got more likes than we did’ – “I’ve been through generations of training in how to make a good Facebook ad, which has gone around 360 degrees and come back to the simple principles of marketing. We went through lots of complications in how to get clicks – we were clickbaiters. We honestly were. And yet that duck in Hong Kong Harbour got more likes than any of pure branded messaging, and we thought that’s maybe a good thing. But it’s not and it doesn’t help brands or businesses. It’s taken us time to get to where we are and the simplicity of those core marketing principles.”
On the Equifax Data Breach – Schneier on Security – Surveillance capitalism fuels the Internet, and sometimes it seems that everyone is spying on you. You’re secretly tracked on pretty much every commercial website you visit. Facebook is the largest surveillance organization mankind has created; collecting data on you is its business model. I don’t have a Facebook account, but Facebook still keeps a surprisingly complete dossier on me and my associations — just in case I ever decide to join.
I also don’t have a Gmail account, because I don’t want Google storing my e-mail. But my guess is that it has about half of my e-mail anyway, because so many people I correspond with have accounts. I can’t even avoid it by choosing not to write to addresses, because I have no way of knowing if is hosted at Gmail.
Edward Snowden Interview: ‘There Is Still Hope’ – SPIEGEL ONLINE