Hand scanning
Swedish city introduces payment by hand scanning – The West Australian – having your biometrics such hand scanning to be used as authentication; I am sure that there ethical issues with this. You can change a password, but you can’t change your biometrics. Fujitsu have had an ATM up and running that reads the vein patterns in its hand scanning.
Samsung Gear 2 Teardown – iFixit – interesting teardown
1 million preorders of new HTC flagship phone on Chinese sites | WatchChinaTimes – not a bad start at all
Slideshow: 10 Things I Saw at Bluetooth World | EE Times
Sony Curves Images Sensors & TSMC Stacks Them | EE Times – interesting design moves
Hong Kong
Apocalypse Now in Hong Kong | WSJ – interesting new film (paywall)
Japanese company invents “Spring Santa” – We love the concept, but it’s actually a little creepy… – social gifting concept in Japan
Mandarin Oriental readies its photo-sharing social app | Marketing Interactive
Chow Tai Fook loses lustre amid poor sales in Hong Kong and Macau | SCMP
Top 100 UK advertisers: BSkyB increases lead as P&G, BT and Unilever reduce adspend | Brand Republic
Television Advertising Continues To Reign Supreme | AdPulp – not terribly surprised if one looks at a prominent FMCG brand business like Colgate | Palmolive the overwhelming majority of their advertising spend is television. Also digital doesn’t work well in brand building, if anything spend is overweight towards digital
Was that expensive Chinese New Year campaign worth it? | Marketing Interactive – really good tips on running an international marketing campaign
Bits Blog: Amazon Buys ComiXology | NYTimes.com – well that’s the comic industry screwed then
Digital Intelligence :: Online ad revenue overtakes TV for first time in US
(Re)defining multimedia journalism – Medium
U.S. teens prefer Instagram over Twitter, Facebook – no real surprises here
Alternatives to Paid Search on Baidu | L2 ThinkTank
Wonga faces social media storm after forcing Twitter to remove satirical material | Brand Republic – cack-handed handling of satire that would have gone way over the heads of the working poor that Wonga preys upon has as its customer base
Another Chinese Counterfeit Product: Social-Media Followers | Advertising Age – One Asian ad exec who asked not to be named described buying fake fans to give an ego jolt to a new venture in China. The rate, he said, was about 5 U.S. cents for a zombie that’s just a name, and 16 cents for higher-quality fakes with some content on their profiles. In addition to zombie fans, there’s a market for faux re-tweets and comments too
QQ reaches 200 million users – surprising how it’s still climbing in the face of WeChat
The Future of Social Media ROI: From Likes to Relational Metrics | INSEAD
Beijing’s first 24-hour bookstore turns first page | WantChinaTimes.com – I wish London still had the 24-hour Borders on Oxford Street
Burberry’s flagship Shanghai store facade responds to weather changes – Brand Republic News
The future of retail in 5 charts | Digiday
China Mobile Browser Industry Analysis in 2013 | China Internet Watch
WeChat opens its image-recognition tech to the public | VentureBeat
How Does Facebook Handle Graph Search Queries In A Timely Fashion? | AllFacebook – interesting primer on Facebook’s back-end technology
The Box Blog » Announcing Box Open Source – good for OSS movement
Need for speed: Testing the networking performance of the top 4 cloud providers | GigaOm – I was one of the original non-US beta testers for WeberWorks – an online environment / workflow tool for doing and running PR programmes with real-time reporting and the thing that kept killing my usage of the tool was network latency, it was like working in treacle. Interesting to see GigaOm bringing this up as a key performance indicator
Freescale and ALU show off small cell SoC – Rethink Wireless
Web of no web
China’s Quest for ‘MIPS in Wearable’ | EE Times – interesting move, China considers the broader internet of things to be strategically important wearables are just part of it
On Beacons and proximity | BBH Labs
WeChat Campaign in China Offers Glimpse into the Future of Communications | Hoffman – nice case study on integrating WeChat into online and offline campaign elements
Global wearable device shipments to triple in 2014: IDC | WantChinaTimes
A Survival Plan for the Wild Cyborg | Slate
Qualcomm, MediaTek in Two-Horse Race, Says CLSA; Game Over for BRCM, Etc. | Barrons