Nokia Lumia
The Nokia Lumia hasn’t got off to a great start. I got to try a Nokia Lumia 920. It had a heft to it that was similar to my Nokia Communicator E90. The Nokia Lumia hasn’t been enough to stop Samsung’s Galaxy from displacing Nokia as the world’s top cellphone brand. This is despite the quality problems that Samsung’s Galaxy III have exhibited. Imaging has been one of the Nokia Lumia strengths, the problem is that the imaging chief quit Nokia
Nokia’s imaging chief makes surprise exit • The Register
The Nokia Lumia Sellout – Most Likely A Marketing Strategy – Seeking Alpha
Consumer behaviour
More Japanese youth wearing surgical masks to hide their face ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion – “Others believe that having to rely on a mask to feel comfortable in public is a byproduct of Japanese youth becoming too accustomed to using e-mail and social networks to communicate with each other; they can’t interact with others unless there is a protective “wall” that offers them some degree of anonymity“
APAC travellers want more social media |
Global semiconductor revenues set to shrink in 2012, IHS says – useful economic indicator
Quartz – China’s stock market plunging due to retail investor sentiment
Skills Don’t Pay the Bills – – gap in expectations, in a social contract
Hong Kong
Hong Kong’s vanishing mojo | South China Morning Post – rise of China changes perception of where Hong Kong stands in things
How to
How To Become A Hacker – Eric Raymond on hacking (rather than cracking)
The Conservative Turn Against Science – The Chronicle Review
Exploiting the implicit – MEC whitepaper
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The future will not be cool –
Scientists See Advances in Deep Learning, a Part of Artificial Intelligence – – artificial intelligence gets another 15 minutes of fame
Next-Gen Tablets and Laptops Will Get “Cooler” With GE’s Jet Engine Technology | SiliconANGLE
3D Printing is the New Industrial Revolution? – broadstuff
Apple Joins Google in $500 Million-Plus Bid for Kodak Patents – Bloomberg
Printed electronics pilot line starts production
Touché – Carnegie Mellon University | CMU – really interesting immersive media experiments
Japan Today – Humanoid robot to keep Japanese astronaut company on space station – get more data on human | machine interaction
Korea | NHK makes no-Korea move – has hallyu lost much of its force in Japan?
Luxury habits mature in China |
Study Shows Affluent Spend Money to Save Time (Infographic) | Social Media Today
Michelin Stars slammed in fear of rent hikes, |
Agencies, media & digital companies: Your sales pitch sucks, Advertising – interesting common-sense perspective from a marketer at Dell
Brands must adapt search strategies |
Why Google Just Made iPhone King: Ads |
Combating accidental clicks in mobile ads – Google Mobile Ads Blog
Amoeba Music’s Vinyl Vaults is no Napster – I, Cringely
Facebook makes it official — an external advertising network is coming soon — GigaOM – if this is just an ad network it could make for interesting behavioural advertising and potentially dial up relevance. If it is part of their search offering then things really take off
Facebook Has Decreased Page Reach, And Here’s Why | TechCrunch – some great data here on why a blended paid | owned content strategy is required for page owners
Dotcom: We’ve hit the jackpot – National – NZ Herald News – more legal twists and turns
MediaPost Publications Pre-Roll Video Ad Prices Dip, Large Inventory Blamed 12/07/2012
Times of London offers $80 Nexus 7 to new digital subscribers |
Time Spent In Mobile Apps Is Starting To Challenge Television, Flurry Says | TechCrunch
Facebook in Talks to Buy Microsoft’s Atlas Ad Platform – AllThingsD
Nielsen | Social Media Report 2012
Daring Fireball: Why ‘The Daily’ Failed – there is also the problem that the content didn’t have value. It wasn’t a professional tool like the Wall Street Journal or provide something you couldn’t get elsewhere
Audio and Video Streaming in focus – Exclusive Nielsen white paper
Yahoo’s Ad Sell-Through Rate on its Log-in Page Has Plummeted | Advertising Age Customer Reviews: The Beatles Stereo Vinyl Box Set – digital record labels trying to make premium analogue money need to manage the quality control much better
TVB shelves HK$50m plan for international channel | South China Morning Post
Why We’re Building Collections – I hope that they don’t forget
Google exec was told to stop Tweeting | The Wall Blog – the people who are responsible for engineering social media don’t even understand how things can propagate
As of February, you’ll have two fewer characters to tweet with when you share a link on Twitter – The Next Web – trillions of links already
Twitter Loses Ability to Properly Display Instagram Photos –
Google’s Searches for UnGoogleable Information to Make Mobile Search Smarter | MIT Technology Review
Yahoo sees several flaws in $2.7 billion Mexico ruling: source | Reuters – the big question is why wasn’t it disclosed in company documents in the first place
Amazon Book Reviews Deleted in a Purge Aimed at Manipulation – – interesting implication for wider social content sites as well as e-tailing
Billionaire Sells Stake in Topshop for $805 Million –
Japan Today – Fast Retailing to acquire majority interest in J Brand Holdings – this reads as much about technical know-how with fabric as much as a way of moving their portfolio upmarket for Uniqlo
China Mall Developers – Time to Shop Around – China Real Time Report – WSJ
MUJI LIFE CHECK IN for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad – great example of the web of no web using a locative gaming mechanism used to drive bricks and mortar retail
Black Friday Saw Online Retail Traffic Jump 60% Year-Over-Year | WebProNews
Schneier on Security: E-Mail Security in the Wake of Petraeus – interesting debate which boils back down to don’t write anything you wouldn’t anyone else see if it was made public
Apple Hires Hacker Who Helped Save Windows From Security Hell |
PRWeb Statement on Fraudulent ICOA Press Release – Blogging PRWeb – a tough place for PRWeb to be I feel for them
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer defends company to shareholders – San Jose Mercury News – the key point is that Microsoft share price stands about the same level as they did a decade ago
No Google Apps on Windows 8 and WP8: User base too small to invest in | BGR
The future of software pricing: PwC
Just bought an Apple product? Need support NOW? Drop an F-BOMB • The Register – deep learning or machine intelligence depending what label you like at work
TECHNOLOGY REPORT » Blue Brain Project Update
Microsoft’s battle for consumers: it’s time to drop the Windows name | The Verge – has the Windows brand been over-extended?
Facebook Messenger for Android drops account requirement, taking on SMS and WhatsApp | The Verge – interesting how Facebook is being usurped as a communications platform
TI rolls open-source RTOS for MCUs – lower footprint than Linux which should be compelling
Windows 8 Sales: Good, Bad, or Ugly? – surprised to see quite this negative a take on things by Windows IT Pro
Lack of Distribution Is “Killing” Surface – AllThingsD
Here comes the first real alternative to iPhone and Android – Quartz
Apple loses $34.9 billion in market cap in its worst trading day in 4 years, but why? – The Next Web
London Calling: Should Apple buy ST-E or Renesas Mobile? – but what about patent licences?
Why ‘slow light’ might just save the Internet • The Register
Nokia Siemens sells optical network unit to Marlin Equity Partners – ok, interesting move. But will it be enough to be competitive against the new network players?
‘Can do’ approach spurs Huawei’s growth in Europe |
Web of no web
Apple Said to Fire Maps Manager as Flaws Hurt IPhone 5 – Bloomberg
Samsung Galaxy S III hardware failure: Phones failing for no reason | BGR – bad NAND? Will this be like the capacitor issue that plagued PCs years ago?
FOSS Patents: Judge denies Apple permanent injunction, throws out Samsung’s jury misconduct claims
Samsung Exec Admits To Using Apple Products, Calls iDevice Ecosystem “Sticky” | TechCrunch
Apple, LG Electronics Defeat Alcatel-Lucent Patent Claims – Bloomberg
The real threat that Samsung poses to Apple | asymco – really interesting article on Samsung’s strengths
On Legacy iPhones and Cannibalization – AllThingsD – the legacy phone makes up the lower price models in the Apple range
King of Samsung: a chairman’s reign of cunning and corruption | The Verge
Apple vetting operators on LTE network performance » – it makes sense otherwise users would have a poor experience and battery life would be hammered