Bright Smart & more news

Bright Smart Securities

Bright Smart plans IPO for online broadcaster – Hong Kong broker Bright Smart Securities said it plans to spin off an online broadcasting business. An online broadcasting business is a bit of an odd game for Bright Smart Securities to be in – given that they mostly do options and share trading brokerage. Bright Smart Securities is a subsidiary of a financial services company called New Charming Holdings Ltd. (paywall)


Carl Icahn 2.0: an icon of ’80s greed is back to shake up Silicon Valley | The Verge – two words: TWA, Yahoo!

Consumer behaviour

Signs that Hong Kong society is tearing at the seams | South China Morning Post – quite a radical take by Alex Lo (paywall)

Asia’s frugal middle class will drive the next two decades of air traffic growth – Quartz


Mac and Me – genius


Japan’s Abenomics Recovery Needs Healthy Pay Raises – Businessweek


China’s $122 billion boom in shadow banking is happening on phones – when Chinese workers got their year-end bonuses—was a boon for China’s online banking giants

How to

Someone Once Told Me – Just make sure you’re not too fat to go through the windows – sage advice by my friend Belyndia


U.S. GAO – Nanomanufacturing: Emergence and Implications for U.S. Competitiveness, the Environment, and Human Health

A New Report Warns That America May Lose The Nanotechnology Race – Business Insider – not terribly surprising given the amount of scientists being trained from other countries


Jing Daily: What Chinese Consumers Were (And Weren’t) Buying Over Chinese New Year – experiences and self-indulgence rather than ‘presents’

Luxury goods rapidly depreciate secondhand value in China |


Sony Sells Their Waterproof MP3 Player Inside A Bottle Of Water [Video] – PSFK – design as truth well told

How to decide between a responsive website or a native mobile app – The Next Web


It turns out people are better at protecting their privacy than companies would like – Quartz


Line pulled in 5.5 million shoppers for its flash sales – in Thailand

The Internet is Helping Big Pizza Crush the Little Guys – The rise of online ordering is putting corner pizzerias in new peril. Big chains have invested in sophisticated Web-based systems that let customers order and pay for deliveries quickly without having to call. That’s giving them a new edge in the battle for an ever-bigger slice of the industry pie


Neither Microsoft, Nokia, nor anyone else should fork Android. It’s unforkable. | Ars Technica – what about Xiaomi or the Chinese vendors selling in China?


Oracle and Pluribus team up, flip the switch on Cisco SDN killer • The Register – expect Huawei et al to get in on the act