Pornhub Is Banning AI-Generated Fake Porn Videos, Says They’re Nonconsensual – Motherboard – a whole new world of ethics and intellectual property violations on image rights has opened up. Adult entertainers work often lives on way after they’ve left the life. Deep fake porn videos would allow for stars careers to never end (and they not get paid for it). Celebrity porn indistinguishable from reality, rathe than the pornalikes seen in spoof adult films like Who’s Nailin’ Paylin? Or porn made from digital humans, which would allow for new levels of extreme content
Why Paper Jams Persist | The New Yorker – constant industrial design evolution
Goodstuph creates ‘Jason’, a same-day idea delivery services for clients | The Drum – PR meets ad agency in approach for agile creative ideation. This would be particularly use for social creative, which relies much more on memes and catching the zeitgeist
Spotify Launches ‘Spotlight,’ A New Multimedia Format – Reminds me that visuals over DAB that didn’t take off, success will depend on how it affects podcasts current pattern of usage, but will have interest from brands. Spotify is background content rather than active listening, so the visual aspect of this will be less important
Meet Fashion’s First Computer-Generated Influencer | Intelligence | BoF – boom digital disrupts Instagram and YouTube wannabes. Digital humans don’t need a good behaviour clause, or disintegrate under the pressure of fame. You can prototype products and have them show case it to get an understand of demand and likely customer concerns.
Optimizely’s decision to ditch its free plan suggests A/B website testing is dead | VentureBeat – testing isn’t dead but won’t improve conversion instantly
A Kingdom from Dust — The California Sunday Magazine – big agriculture in California. So many aspects mixed into this including immigration, the environment and ethics.
Rokid Home – Interesting voice interface company who have an AR prototype as well. The mix of voice and AR could be very interesting as a concept